
Let’s Have A Coffee!

When problem solving, there’s no substitute for face-to-face. Let’s meet for a coffee at your place of business or a neutral venue. We can usually get a good feel for the challenges your business faces over a 30 minute conversation. We’ll give you some general advice which you can choose to implement yourself. If you would like to partner with us, we’ll come up with a project plan including costings, timelines and deliverables. Yes – our time comes at a price, and yes – you will have to do some extra work to allow us to do our work, but the results of our work will continue to pay a large dividend for many years to come if you follow our recommendations.

Get in touch

13 + 15 =


Bananalytics, 44 Annabella Park, Mallow, Co. Cork
(Consultations strictly by appointment only)

P: +353 (0) 86 2778414